About Drop In Web


You are the Creator of your reality. You can get to where you want to be from wherever you are, so participate in your own rescue. We do what we believe we are, so improve your mindset and physiology. Get a radical change of body, mind, and focus, and change your life for the better. Remove the word "impossible" from your dictionary. Know the truth of your unlimited capacity, get the energy flowing, and remember who you really are.!


Our mission is to create a worldwide community that has access to a multidimensional but at the same time accessible system of education and promotion of mental, physical, and spiritual wellness. We aim to the expansion of the ideas and ideals we promote in order to help people redefine their identity, and gain their power and confidence back, improving their lives and the world around them. Every single person counts and we become stronger as a unity. Let's put the same intention of self-improvement and connect with each other.

Why Drop In Web?

Our website's name is not a random choice. Drop-in suggests that every class is independent, so everyone can start whenever he/she wants, no matter the skill, level, or if they haven't attended any of the previous classes. Each day it's a new opportunity to start. Web is the pun that combines "well-being" and "website". So ''Drop In Web'', as a phrase, stands as an invitation to embrace a Well-being mindset.

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