
Numerology is the bridge  between who you are now and who you have the potential to be.!

Learn the language of the universe

Through the interpretation of numbers, we can perceive how our brains work and how we will achieve our goals. Numerological intelligence is a tool to connect ourselves to our higher selves and to other entities and energies around us and therefore constitute a part of the universal oneness.

The Hidden Language of the Universe and how to use it for your Well-Being

Nowadays it is commonly believed that we have the ability to create our own life. Whatever someone can dream, can also make it happen in reality. But what is hidden behind the magic of existence? Some people call it Creator, or God while others call it Energy, which has composed of harmony, everything on our planet. From the beginning of existence, this perfect arrangement has a specific communication language. This is the language of numbers. Everything that surrounds us is deciphered numbers that implement every human imagination and bind every life form. These facts allow us to realize that numbers have a fundamental role in our understanding and “form’’ of existence.

But what is existence? Existence is the soul. And what is the soul? Whatever we are able and unable to imagine. By the agency of numbers, humans have managed something that 1000 years before could have been a miracle for them. Unbelievably, these codes have been there from the beginning , however, 1000 years have passed for us to discover them. Imagine how many things we will manage to create with the help of numbers. The language of numbers has already helped us to create material and technological equipment. However, we should not forget that numbers remain an eternal invisible information that exists there for us to decode and give shape. So, by learning this language, we realize this invisible information that helps us to rush our self-improvement and the upgrowth of our whole existence. By following the steps of numbers, you decode the messages of your own soul easily, without any trouble. Then, you can apply them in a unique way. You will feel the guidance of a supreme being. Now it is time to connect the eternal with your soul!

How to calculate your daily number in Numerology

Numbers have individual energies which include whatever exists. They include visible but also invisible things. They include the emotion and the balance among plus (+) and minus (-). Numbers are codes that hide words with meanings. Here, we will learn some of them and discover some more together. By knowing our daily number, we can act in an appropriate way which helps us to receive the highest energy. In this way, we can have the best daily results.

We calculate our daily number in this way

First, we check the calendar date. Then we add month, day, and year. We should result in an odd number. For example, if the result is 25, we add 2+5= 7. After doing this, we write down our date of birth. We add all the digits and we also end up with an odd number. In the given example the specific birth date odd number is 9. Then, we add 9+7=16 and 1+6=7. So, 7 is the daily number. By knowing the energy of every number, we can understand what we have to do and when. It is very important to realize the complexity of numbers. Also, it is very significant to connect with all numbers. To become balanced, we have to be like the rainbow. So, numbers help us to find our own balance in our life.
Meet the instructor


Micheal Milidonis started his quest in 1995 when he started collecting  information  regarding the zodiac cycle and the planets. His need to learn more about people and to further explain their behavior  made him attend seminars on psychology  as well as mental guidance. In all the years of his life, he keeps having different experiences in all fields. Whether that is the emotional ones, the professional or that of the spiritual field.While simultaneously considering factors from all the stages of numerology. So as to have the essential knowledge of how complex and multi-sided being we all are!
Through all this  long-lasting  research , love and devotion  to this objective of his, in 2020 he created a perfect numerological map that shows every aspect and code of one's brain and those of a person's potential. The creation of  shapes and numbers  has the dynamic to bring us the synchronicity required  so as to manage to go through all levels of the numbers and to finally  get to the divine purpose we have as in our soul in this temporary body.
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